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Image by Katherine Conrad

Serves joyfully within and without the church TOOL BOX


Score: 28-35

Praise the Lord for your willingness to serve Him. Keep up the good work but be careful of burnout through over-extension! Watch your own devotional life. 

Score: 21-27

We encourage you to consider serving actively in an area of your giftedness in the church. Seek to find your area of passion. For assistance, talk to any of the church staff or CARE Group leaders.

Score: 0-20

You may need to understand better the importance of service and to have some practical help to know where and how to serve. Consider the following suggestions in the Toolbox.


1. Reflect on your service

Spend some time every month (for 6 months) to reflect and journal on the aspects that give you joy and meaning as you serve the Lord. Also reflect on the reasons (or motivations) why you serve the Lord and discuss it with your CARE Group (CG) leader or prayer partners and pray together that the Lord will refine your motivations.

2. Start to serve

If you are not yet serving, the best way to grow is to start serving! Go through the list of service opportunities and sign up on our church website Share your desire with your CG leader or a staff member. Talk to the leaders involved in your desired ministry area to understand the expectations better. Meditate on the following passage to have a better understanding of spiritual gifts and its purpose: 1 Corinthians 12.1-31

3. Read Books and Articles to deepen your understanding

Here are some helpful resources:

  • The Discipline of Service Chapter 9 of Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. 

  • Discerning And Exercising Spiritual Gifts by Timothy Keller  

  • Discern your Spiritual gifts. After reading the above articles, please take spiritual gift inventory . Talk to a mature brother or sister who has served with you in ministry and ask him/her about your area(s) of giftedness and ask his/her advice to polish your spiritual gift(s).  

4. Spiritual disciplines while you are serving

Examine your practice of spiritual disciplines and keep a journal for 3 months, such as Bible reading, prayer, sabbath and keep a journal every month of your spiritual discipline practice. Ask yourself, how regular are you in practicing your spiritual discipline?  (If you are feeling burnout, likely you are not regular in practicing your spiritual disciplines) Also, beware of being over-extended in too many areas of service, which may lead to burnout. If you are serving in more than 3 areas at one time, do talk to your ministry leaders.

The Bible Church, 

We are an independent Bible-believing church in Singapore that strives to be an authentic biblical community, with an intentional disciple-making culture that impacts our community for Christ, starting with where God has put us in the West Coast community.

The Bible Church Singapore,
152 West Coast Road, Singapore 127370


Tel: (65) 6779-3255   I

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