Matthew 5.7
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Personal Reflections God desires mercy from His people (Mt 6.14-15; 9.13; 12.7; 23.23), for after all, mercy giving and forgiveness are part of the restoration of the broken relationship that Jesus came for. As God’s people, how then can we co-exist in a state of eternal shalom when there is still unforgiveness and lack of mercy on our part?
The question for many of us, however, is whether our receiving of mercy is conditional upon our granting of mercy. Of course, God’s mercy is unconditional. Yet, if we are to understand the Sermon on the Mount, we would know that Jesus is talking about our inherent nature as God’s people that need to be lived out at the same time. People who have been shown mercy ought to show mercy. Hence if we do not show mercy, it is not unreasonable to say that perhaps we have not truly appreciated and experienced God’s mercy that is showered upon us.
Let’s learn and re-learn what it means to receive mercy from God and to release mercy to others. To whom can you show mercy today?