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27 & 28 July 2024 (Pastoral Page) OVERSEAS MISSIONS


By Dn Law Le Li

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) is the primary calling of every believer. The Bible Church’s mission ministries refer to her cross-border efforts.


My journey into mission, started back in 2002 when I made my first short-term mission trip to Cha Fang, North Thailand. There have been many more varying mission trips over the years. In 2022, I attended the wedding of one of the Cha Fang children, now a grown woman, who has built a good life for herself. This is where the joy is, the testimony of God’s faithfulness and to be a witness to this is a blessing.


Our fulfillment of the Great Commission goes beyond just sharing the Good News. I believe it is to share lives. We can see clearly in Acts and Paul’s subsequent letters to the churches he planted the relationship he has built with fellow believers across his missionary journeys.


So as is with us in our missionary endeavors. We want to be around long enough to bear witness to God’s goodness and we take the rough patches in good strides trusting God to see us through.


Therefore, our endeavors should certainly start with prayers, on a personal level and as a church because we are obliged to support, where we can, our fellow brothers and sisters in these foreign lands. And we should have a sustainable view of the work. Where would we be if it was not for Paul bringing the gospel to the Gentiles and the churches thrived even through persecution.


Overseas mission experiences, be it short term or long term, will certainly leave you thinking a little deeper and reflecting on your own experiences and circumstances. It can be materially uncomfortable at times, but my experiences tell me that the takeaways have shaped my perspective of God’s love for His universal church.


What can we do and where can we go ……..


The Bible Church has established 4 key pillars in our mission work, namely:


Youth Home Ministry and Kindergarten work in Cambodia

Having sent out our own missionaries (Tuck Weng and Lian See) to Cambodia over 10 years ago, the work has flourished into a youth ministry helping and serving the young people around the Prey Veng area. Our missionaries have established themselves in the community and we are seeing expansion work to the villages through the kindergarten projects.


There are many opportunities for short term missions for people of all ages to Prey Veng annually.


EquipAsia Master Trainer Program

EquipAsia (EA) aims to establish Christian Pastors and Leaders in 6 countries where resources and institutions for teaching God’s Word are scarce. They in turn take the learning in-country to establish pastors and leaders, especially in the rural areas. By the end of 2024, we should have over 470 in-country graduates spread across 6 countries.


The best way to get involve with EA on-goings is through the EA prayer support group on WhatsApp and the bi-monthly Asian Missions Fellowship Zoom meetings where we meet our EA master trainers and Asian mission partners for prayer and sharing.


Church Plant in Nepal

Church planting efforts commenced in 2009 and to date, the Nepali believers have shared the gospel to over 170,000 people. There are 2,683 or more converts spread over the country in 52 church congregations.


The leadership team conducts retooling sessions annually and is committed to continual biblical education and the spiritual wellbeing of the church planters.


Look out for the Nepal newsletter and uphold the mission in prayer.


Go-to-School (GTS) Program in Cebu, Philippines and Batam, Indonesia

This program mobilizes sponsorship for children living in poverty in Cebu (since 2019) and Batam (since 2021). We look to journey with these children and support their holistic needs.


The end goal is to provide a chance for them to be lifted out of poverty through education and to equip them for life with character building through biblical teachings.


There are many opportunities for mission trips with GTS. Please look out for trip announcements through the church bulletin or connect with the leadership team.


Start by praying for the missions, join the Asian Missions Fellowship to get to know who our missionaries and partners are. Take a prayer card from our mission booths this weekend to pray over and bless the work.


Take the first step ……..


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The Bible Church, 

We are an independent Bible-believing church in Singapore that strives to be an authentic biblical community, with an intentional disciple-making culture that impacts our community for Christ, starting with where God has put us in the West Coast community.

The Bible Church Singapore,
152 West Coast Road, Singapore 127370


Tel: (65) 6779-3255   I

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