Relates winsomely to pre-believers TOOL BOX
Score: 28-35
Keep up the good work! Continue to reach out to pre-believers for Christ and watch how God is going to impact the lives of those you are reaching.
Score: 21-27
Is there an aspect you can improve on? Do not be discouraged and keep pressing on in. Consider joining an evangelism workshop/training in church to help you improve your outreach skills.
Score: 0-20
We are all called to reaching the lost. It can start with the people around you, including your family members, colleagues, friends. Consider the following suggestions in the Toolbox and begin the exciting journey of leading others to Christ.
1. Jumpstart
your personal evangelism. Explore your POT (Personal Outreach Toolkit) here: https://www.biblechurch.sg/personal-outreach.
2. Read and meditate
on these passages: Matt 4.18-22, Matt 28.19-20, Luke 19.1-10, Luke 10.1-7. What is Jesus teaching you regarding the call and mandate to go and share the gospel and make disciples?
3. Find a buddy
in your CARE group or in the church who wants to also grow in this area together. You can mutually encourage each other in this process.
4. Understand your struggles.
Look through the section on What is stopping me from sharing the gospel with others? (see POT). Share and pray through the areas of struggle with your buddy, say, before/after CARE group meetings or weekend services.
5. Use a gospel sharing tool
(downloadable onto your mobile phone) in the POT (see section on Godtools) Choose a tool on the website and learn using the video demo and practise it with a friend. The more you practise, the more familiar you become.
6. Write
out your personal testimony (see POT) and practise sharing it your testimony with your buddy.
7. Pray
Set aside 5 mins a day or 30 mins a week to pray for your non-Christian friends or loved ones for a period of 1 month (refer to this article for good prayer pointers: https://www.pray3.org/scriptural-prayers-unbelievers).
8. Participate
Join one of our Good Neighbour’s Initiatives connection events, where you learn to show the love of Jesus in practical ways, through friendship with the beneficiaries. Click here to sign up.
2. Get trained
Attend 1 evangelism training this year. (Choose 1 that can help you grow your evangelism quotient:
(a) How to start a spiritual conversation?
(b) Questions non-Christian ask.
(c) How to share the gospel using CPR + AIR?