Grows interdependently in community TOOL BOX
Score: 28-35
Celebrate that God has given you a wonderful community! Do encourage others to grow with you, especially those who have yet to find deep spiritual friendships.
Score: 21-27
You are on the way to experiencing great community! It takes risks and courage but be encouraged to explore going deeper with your CARE Group.
Score: 0-20
To grow as a healthy disciple, you need to be in Christian community, where you are blessed by and blessing others, all at the same time. Consider some of the following suggestions in the community toolbox.
1. Get connected for care
Authenticity requires intentionality to be vulnerable and open to others. Start by being part of a CARE group. Email office@biblechurch.sg to send your request and we get in touch with you to connect you to a CG to be cared for. By actively participating in a CG, you will also be blessed by caring for others.
2. Reach out to care
Call someone you know whom you have not seen in church for a while. Meet with someone who is going through a difficult time and offer to meet their needs in a practical way (e.g. pray for and with them, visit and offer a listening ear, a helping hand, etc.). Reconnect with friends and ask them ‘How are you, really?”
3. Workshops and seminars to improve.
Learn how to relate well with others and speak truth lovingly. Develop good communication skills, and learn how to resolve conflicts amicably, etc. Look out for upcoming workshops and seminars workshop relating to care and community. You may start through these recommended online workshops conducted by the Church to help you connect deeper with people you wish to journey with:
1. Connecting Deeper Podcasts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqzUk2JAoPFtk_3gAryXB36qmrEm8mSgJ
2. Cultivating A Safe Haven Workshop Links:
Part 1: The Being of a Safe Person (https://youtu.be/c_uMhtlYUJc)
Part 2: The Presence of a Safe Person (https://youtu.be/7rQCNCxLdnI)
3. Grief and Lost Awareness. Unlearn misconceptions and prioritize grief recovery video link to talk by Gracie from Whispering Hope: https://youtu.be/Bz_pSrYgPs4
4. Read up to learn
There are many articles and books that can be very helpful. Here are some recommended ones:
God in my everything by Ken Shigematsu (Chapter 7)
Sacred companions by David G. Benner, on spiritual friendship / sacred companion
Getting Together - a guide for good groups by Em Griffin (Chapter 6 & 7)
The Trauma of Transparency by J. Grant Howard (Chapters 3, 4, 9, 10)